Daniel Tea

I decided that my personal website needed some attention and wanted it to be a bit more reflective of who I am in 2021. I no longer work with rails or angularjs on a daily basis. For the past couple of years, I have been doing node and javascript development.

With that said, I no longer felt that a website built on Jekyll was interesting to me. I was no longer thinking in ruby, the dependencies were out of date, and I prefer to write my blog posts in markdown.

I work on Next.js applications at work, and decided it would be fun to use it for my new website.


I didn't want to deal with long standing branch in the old repo, so I ended up creating a new repo, freshly init with npx create-next-app

I knew that I didn't want to migrate everything over at once. I'm a fan of incremental progress, so my goal was to pick and choose portions of my website to port over one at a time.

Once I got to as close to parity as possible, I could start to think about new features. I didn't want to get ahead of myself.


I started off with the basic Next.js starter app and deployed that on Vercel. I wanted to deploy early and often.

The next thing I wanted to get out of the way was figuring out how to handle the icons for the footer. I had used Font Awesome for my previous website, which worked by adding a <script> tag and using the correct fa css classes. I browsed their website to see if there was an updated approach with React in mind, and I found they had an official React component: https://fontawesome.com/how-to-use/on-the-web/using-with/react

It was pretty straightforward from their docs on how to use the components. I just needed to import the few icons I needed and added them to the library from my _app.js component.

// _app.js

import { library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'
import { faGithub } from '@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons'


In my <Footer> component,

// Footer.js

import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome'

const Footer = () => {
  return (
    <a href="https://github.com/dlcoffee" title="github">
      <FontAwesomeIcon icon={['fab', 'github']} size="2x" />

One of my requirements for the new website was that I wanted to be able to write my blog posts in markdown and be able to import React components. Luckily, there's MDX which allows me to write JSX in markdown.

I had heard of MDX before, but I had never worked with it. This proved to a bit more work than I had anticipated. In order to get MDX working the way I wanted, I needed to:

  1. Install MDX packages
  2. Convert existing blog posts to markdown
  3. Figure out how to dynamically generate blog posts + urls
  4. Figure out how to use front matter
  5. Figure out how to handle excerpts

Installing MDX pretty straightforward and converting the text content of my blog posts was also easy.

I didn't want create a new page under the /pages directory for each blog post, so I utilized a combination of Next's getStaticPaths() and getStaticProps() functions along with another library called next-mdx-remote which allowed me to pull in mdx content through getStaticProps()

  • getStaticPaths() - Specifies dynamic routes based on data. I use the name of the post to generate the url slug.
  • getStaticProps() - Pulls the correct markdown data to parse based on the slug
// pages/blog/[slug].js

import hydrate from 'next-mdx-remote/hydrate'
import { getFiles, getFileBySlug } from '../../lib/mdx'

export default function Post({ source }) {
  const content = hydrate(source)
  return <div className="wrapper">{content}</div>

export async function getStaticPaths() {
  const posts = await getFiles()

  return {
    paths: posts.map((p) => ({
      params: {
        slug: p.replace(/\.mdx/, ''),
    fallback: false,

export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
  const { mdxSource } = await getFileBySlug(params.slug)

  return { props: { source: mdxSource } }

Once my blog posts were written in .mdx and I could get them loaded dynamically, I worked on getting the layout and colors set up correctly. This part wasn't too difficult, as I decided to use Sass again, as it was almost a straight copy/paste from my old repo.

Lastly, for me to feel comfortable switching over to the new website, I needed to get my syntax highlighting and embedded scripts to work as before, since I have a code snippets and codepen examples to show.

For this, I used a library called prism-react-renderer, , which allowed me to use a component to output syntax-highlighted code. In combination with MDX, this allowed me to reach a level of parity that I was comfortable with. The theme was off, but I decided not to make it a blocker for getting the new website up.


This was a fun project. I kept track of my todo's in an app called Todoist, which kept me focused on the to-do at hand. There are still some fixes that I need to make, like getting the excerpts to show up correctly on the home page, but I'll fix it some other time.

I'm hoping to write more now that I'm able to use markdown.